Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

This review appeared first at Fantasy is More Fun

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

4.5 stars

It's been a while since a book really gripped me and made me stay up until 1am finishing it. And it's been a while since I finished a book and immediately looked up when the next one would be available. And read a sneak peak of the first chapter, cursing when that was gone. All the above is true with Revive. It was just that good. So glad I grabbed it from NetGalley.

So why was Revive so good? For one, I think it was because it was a little different from my typical reads and I needed a change. I can best describe it as a New Adult, Sci-fi, Suspense. Yeah - not your typical combination, huh? Those of you shutting down at the mention of New Adult, wait! I only say New Adult because the characters are the right age and a good part takes place in their college lives. That's really the only thing about it New Adult. The Sci-fi bit would be spoilery to explain and still, not the main bit.

The main bit was the suspense. In the first chapter our main character is in a public restroom, certain that she is not the person her college ID says she is. Her memories are gone, but in a very Bourne Identity flair, her muscle memory is working just fine. So the chase and action are on, all while she tries to figure out who she is, why she's being chased, and why she's so certain she's in danger.

Revive is told partly in the present and partly in the past as our main character recovers those memories. I was constantly on my toes trying to figure out what was going on and who to trust. The twists don't stop coming and the last 40% was a non-stop read for me. One element I guessed correctly pretty early on, which is probably the only reason this isn't quite 5 stars for me. But it's pretty damn close!

Although a plot driven story, the character development in Revive was slipped in really well - character flaws, doubts, and love interests completed the story and brought it to the next level. I really enjoyed Revive and I'm eagerly awaiting Resist, due in November! If you've read this please let me know, I need to talk about it to someone! Or if it sounds good, please hurry and read it!

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  • Started reading
  • 6 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 6 June, 2015: Reviewed