Whispers in the Dark by Maya Banks

Whispers in the Dark (KGI, #4)

by Maya Banks

In the depths of darkness, a captive finds solace in the voice of an angel.

Nathan is being held captive and is in agony. His saving grace is the voice of an angel who eases his pain and helps him regain enough strength to escape. When he does, she leaves him with a void that he can barely stand. When he escapes and returns to the KGI, he hears her again—now she needs him.

Her name is Shae, and she's on the run with her sister. A government group wants to harness their abilities to heal. The KGI wants to help— but can Nathan quiet his soulmate's doubts and convince her that they are meant to face these dangers together?

Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

Ok- so some people did not like the "supernatural" aspect of this one. I really liked it. I think I was quite taken by the circumstances- Nathan's captivity, his desperation and sadness really got me. There were a lot of moments in this one that really got me. I loved Nathan and Shea together and I loved the connection and how it binded them together so tightly. Nicely done. This is a definite re read for me.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 7 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 7 May, 2012: Reviewed