Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.

Shannon's Thoughts

I wasn't sure what to expect with this one, but I'll admit the author did an excellent job of keeping me guessing who the bad buy was.

Teal returns home to her sleepy little North Carolina beach town after spending the past few years in Paris with her father.  She was finally free from the blackouts and nightmares that had haunted her since she was eight years old.  But the minute she returns, the blackouts come back and as does her desperate need for her old best friend Dare.

Something pretty horrific had happened to Teal when she was a little girl.  The only other person to somewhat witness what she did was the best friend that was ripped away from her.  So it's understandable that she'd have some long lasting effects.  What didn't seem right was the fact that everyone seemed to dismiss the things Teal said happened and instead placed the blame on Dare.  Out of everyone who supposedly was looking out for her best interest, it was only Dare that put his neck on the line (time and again) to make sure that Teal was safe from a past that continued to haunt her.  I wasn't sure how a romance could happen between these two, considering their past.  But Dare proved over and over that long does conquer all.

The suspense part of the book did keep me engage.  I wasn't sure who was behind what was happening and didn't trust a lot of the characters.  The author did a great job of planting a suspicion seed in each character to ensure the reader wasn't a 100% sure they could trust them.  That went a long way in keep my interest in the story, even when the teenage angst got to be a little too much.

This is the first book I've read by Chris Myers, but she's definitely peeked my interest with her writing and I'll definitely be checking out her other titles.This book was reviewed by a member of the review staff at Cocktails and Books. The name of the reviewer can be found under the post categories.

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  • 7 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2015: Reviewed