Queen Move by Kennedy Ryan

Queen Move

by Kennedy Ryan

INSTANT  USA Today Bestseller!.From Wall Street Journal, USA Today Bestselling and RITA® Award-winning Author Kennedy Ryan, comes a captivating second chance romance like only she can deliver...

The boy who always felt like mine is now the man I can't have...

Dig a little and you'll find photos of me in the bathtub with Ezra Stern.
Get your mind out of the gutter. We were six months old.
Pry and one of us might confess we saved our first kiss for each other. The most clumsy, wet, sloppy . . . spectacular thirty seconds of my adolescence.
Get into our business and you'll see two families, closer than blood, torn apart in an instant.
Twenty years later, my "awkward duckling" best friend from childhood, the boy no one noticed, is a man no one can ignore.
Finer. Fiercer. Smarter.
Tell me it's wrong.
Tell me the boy who always felt like mine is now the man I can't have.
When we find each other again, everything stands in our way--secrets, lies, promises.
But we didn't come this far to give up now.
And I know just the move to make if I want to make him mine.

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

*I received a free copy of Queen Move. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review which is honest and unbiased.*

Ms. Ryan did it again! She wrote a beautiful, haunting story with characters that are truly amazing. Both Kimba and Ezra were so very honest, and they were trying very hard to do the right thing - always. Even when doing the right thing is really hard.

I loved that they were so close when they were children, and up until they were 13 years old, then lost touch with each other after something happened and Ezra moved away. It wasn't exactly like a second chance at love romance, but it was very close - just like it wasn't exactly like friends to lovers, but again, very close.

Kimba's family was great, too, and I just loved how supportive they all were towards each other. I could have stayed in Kimba and Ezra's world for much longer, but I was still completely satisfied with everything 3

Written in dual points of views, in first person singular, I really got to know Kimba and Ezra very well. I recommend this book to all romance readers - it's simply beautiful!

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  • Started reading
  • 15 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 15 May, 2020: Reviewed