Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I was hooked on Scout and Easton's story and couldn't wait for THE CATCH.  K. Bromberg didn't disappoint with this story.

Picking up right where THE PLAYER ended, Scout and Easton were left to navigate through the lies and betrayal at the hand of the Aces and some they didn't expect.  It was easy for either of them, but what we quickly found was a couple who already knew they were stronger together and they needed to weather all the bad stuff together.  They definitely took a path I wasn't expecting, but in the end, you knew that every obstacle that stood in their way made both of them more determined to make it work.

There were definitely moments that had me reaching for a Kleenex, but this second book was all about Scout and Easton learning what's important in life.  What meant the most to each of them and how to fight for it.  So while there were those Kleenex moments, they definitely weren't the kind that I was expecting (and that made me happy).

K. Bromberg knocked this duet out of the park.  It's started out angsty, but it ended perfectly while still having all those sexy moments that I've come to expect.  It was a pleasure to meet Scout and Easton, follow their relationship and to add another set of books from this author that I can't do without.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 21 June, 2017: Reviewed