Do Not Bring Your Dragon to the Library by Julie Gassman

Do Not Bring Your Dragon to the Library (Fiction Picture Books)

by Julie Gassman

Have you ever thought about bringing your dragon to the library? Don't do it! You might have the best intentions, but that dragon will cause nothing but trouble. Using rhyming text and a diverse cast of characters, this charming picture book will provide some important (and some not so important) library etiquette in a very entertaining way.

Reviewed by Joni Reads on

4 of 5 stars

I received a copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Dragons have been a topic my kids, especially my son, have been favoring lately so naturally I was very excited to read this to them.

The format was a bit frustrating, it would be much better as a paper book. Still, I don't think my kids really noticed so it worked out fine.

My kids are three and they are getting to that point where they just yell. All.The.Time. So having a book to teach them manners of any sort in a fun way is great. I live right next to the library and I still don't go as often as I should simply because my kids have never understood library manners Now, I'm not expecting miracles but I think if I read this book to them before heading off to the library next time they might just behave a tiny bit better.

The illustrations are beautiful. This is such a good children's book and I do plan on purchasing it to get it into our regular routine of books.

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  • 17 August, 2016: Reviewed