The Midnight Queen by Sylvia Izzo Hunter

The Midnight Queen (Noctis Magicae, #1)

by Sylvia Izzo Hunter

In the hallowed halls of Oxford’s Merlin College, the most talented—and highest born—sons of the Kingdom of Britain are taught the intricacies of magickal theory. But what dazzles can also destroy, as Gray Marshall is about to discover…
Gray’s deep talent for magick has won him a place at Merlin College. But when he accompanies four fellow students on a mysterious midnight errand that ends in disaster and death, he is sent away in disgrace—and without a trace of his power. He must spend the summer under the watchful eye of his domineering professor, Appius Callender, working in the gardens of Callender’s country estate and hoping to recover his abilities. And it is there, toiling away on a summer afternoon, that he meets the professor’s daughter.
Even though she has no talent of her own, Sophie Callender longs to be educated in the lore of magick. Her father has kept her isolated at the estate and forbidden her interest; everyone knows that teaching arcane magickal theory to women is the height of impropriety. But against her father’s wishes, Sophie has studied his ancient volumes on the subject. And in the tall, stammering, yet oddly charming Gray, she finally finds someone who encourages her interest and awakens new ideas and feelings.
Sophie and Gray’s meeting touches off a series of events that begins to unravel secrets about each of them. And after the king’s closest advisor pays the professor a closed-door visit, they begin to wonder if what Gray witnessed in Oxford might be even more sinister than it seemed. They are determined to find out, no matter the cost…

Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

This was really good. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and the plot. Sophie was fierce. I liked her determination to learn and how supportive Gray was of that. Particularly his acceptance, encouragement and approval of her being stronger in her magic than him. I enjoyed the slow burn of their relationship and the fact that they seemed to really get to know each other. I liked that they had lots of discussions about magical theory and childhoods and dreams and aspirations. Gray was such a kind character - more concerned with the wellbeing of his loved ones than himself. I loved his relationship with Sophie but also his existing relationship with Jenny and his developing bond with Joanna. It was really sweet. Joanna was hilarious. She was so outspoken and brash and had the best lines. I enjoyed the plot. The whole adventure/quest of uncovering a royal conspiracy was cool. This isn't as fast paced as most of the more recent fantasy novels, but I enjoyed the return to the classic slow and steady build up of the quest and the unfolding of the adventure. I really liked the chapter names - they had me chuckling to myself. There was no cliffhanger and although part of a series, could easily be read as a standalone. The plot is nicely wrapped up and the characters are left happily ever after.

Overall this was a well written historical fantasy with strong and likable characters and an enchanting plot. Solid 4 stars.

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  • 19 March, 2020: Finished reading
  • 19 March, 2020: Reviewed