Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

Wow! I mean wow! I was given the opportunity to read this outside of a blog tour, and upon reading the blurb I had to snap it up! Being a novella too, I knew it wouldn't take long. I actually stayed up well past my bedtime to try and finish this (sleep beat me though). I could not put this down! This book will stick with me for awhile...and like an addict, I need and I want the next book NOW!

This being a novella too, has left me needing more. The ending just happened so abruptly I never saw it coming!

Chase the main woman in this book, leading a clean life now as a reformed heroin addict. She was in a relationship with someone called Chat but it was that toxic, it literally destroyed her life. One fateful night changed everything, and we rejoin her seven years after the event, clean and trying to curb her Shadow master. She writes journals and poetry and lives a clean life. She is, however, off to Vegas for her best friend Marissa's hen party, so really not the right place for her to be going. The group of girls that she is going with is a complete mish-mash and you wonder how she will cope with being in a place that never sleeps.

Their first night there, they hit the nightclub, where she drinks a cranberry and lime juice drink, where she is chatted up by the country singer Jared Bryan. Known for womanising and partying and completely out of bounds for her......he is a client at the PR firm she works for but more importantly, she does not do relationships after the last one. She has one night stands, she is not a candle and flowers girl. Never doing relationships.

Whilst learning of Chase's coping mechanisms with her journals etc, she has a tattoo on her wrist, Love Me Only. This book, and her journey, for me, has shown me how me to cope with the darkness in your life. Now whilst I am not a recovering drug addict, I have my own issues but I found a peace with the way she lives her life and it has inspired me to get an interim tattoo similar to Chase's just a reminder that before you can love anyone at all, ever, you need to love yourself. Anyway, back to the novella.

There was a lot of humour in this book to, an unfortunate incident with getting a Brazillian (ouch!) and then the potential concussion to go with it,  a broken ankle, the first date with Jared that goes wrong to name a few. All provided the light relief we needed and written in a way you know it could happen to anyone #Vegashenparty

I actually can't praise it enough, the only thing, it was not long enough! We were only just scratching the surface with the girls and the hen party and then it ended.  Ended when Chase was getting Unknown callers to her phone!

I mean who is the caller? Who is calling her aunt? What else happened in Vegas? Will she relapse? Did she go on a second non-date with Jared? How was Marissa's wedding?

Rumour has it that book 2 is not being released until 2019


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  • Started reading
  • 13 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 13 June, 2018: Reviewed