Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

A Lady and Her Magic is light, fluffy, and adorable! Ashley has been raising his daughter alone after his wife died. The ton all believed he murdered her and he's never denied it, so he's become quite the recluse. Then he meets Sophia. There's something about her that just draws him to her. Not to mention, she's been the only person to get his daughter to behave. The two meet again at the house party Ashley's mother throws, and their connection grows even more. Too bad that she's fae and is only in the human world for a mission.

I loved the concept of fae going on missions to help humans! Although I was less than thrilled that Sophia's mission in A Lady and Her Magic involved Ashley's daughter. I am not fond of children, nor do I like children being the driving force in a romance. It's weird. Luckily, Anne isn't annoying despite being described as a brat in the first chapter. I just wish that Sophia had been sent to help Ashley instead, since she wound up helping him reenter society anyway.

The romance between Sophia and Ashley was so sweet! He's completely taken with her from the beginning even though she is a bit odd. Actually, he likes her more because she is a little weird! She doesn't fit into Society, and neither does he, although for very different reasons. Their connection is quite magical even though they're forbidden from being together! I love forbidden romance! Of course, there has to be a twist at the end that allows them to be together and I really liked it.

A Lady and Her Magic was super cute and definite braincandy. There was a bit of a disconnect for me between some of the plot points. It felt disjointed in places which kept me from loving it overall. But the romance was just so darn adorably sweet!

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  • 2 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2015: Reviewed