Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

THIS WAS SUCH A CUTE BOOK! Holly Martin is probably one of the most popular authors on social media, and I'm beginning to see why she's so popular because she's a pretty freaking great writer! Fairytale Beginnings is the perfect summer read. Although, be warned because you WILL want to go and live in Clover Castle. I literally want my own castle right now. With drawbridge, turrets, and Cameron Heartstone, please.

I absolutely adored getting to know Milly Rose and Cameron Heartstone, and I loved that they had chemistry right from the beginning. Yes, it was a bit awkward since Milly was assessing Clover Castle's castle-ness to see if it could be part of the National Heritage. And yes, they crossed unprofessional boundaries a few (!) times, but they had such spark and such chemistry that you knew it just didn't matter about keeping things professional.

I was completely taken with the fairytale aspect to the novel. Clover's Castle and the Heartstone family have a legacy to them, and it's said that the Heartstone's have trouble finding love, and there's a whole backstory to that that fizzes in the background and as Cameron was telling Milly the story I was getting so, so excited because it was like the perfect fairytale and it was just too cute for words. Normally I'm not one for fantastical stories like that, but the setting of Clover Castle, and the entire fact the novel was set IN A FREAKING CASTLE meant anything could and would go.

Fairytale Beginnings was so much fun, from start to finish. The characters were awesome, I loved Clover Castle (seriously, can we talk about getting me a castle, PLEASE?????) and it was just the cutest little story I've ever read. It was so good, and I can't wait to read more from Holly, she's a delightful storyteller.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 June, 2015: Reviewed