Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Heat: 3.5
POV: 3rd (alternating focus)
HEA: yes
Tears: No
Trope: Alpha Male, geek girl, fake relationship
I was drawn to Designed for Murder at first simply because the heroine was a geeky girl. She was a textile designer but a huge fan of LARPing and made her own costumes. It was cool to have a girl embrace her 'geekiness' Carlos is a former geek who gave up his geeky ways and got all buff. It was interesting to see him rediscover his geek roots! The story was interesting (who is mugging these LARPers and why) but some what predictable (at least it was to me anyway!). Its a fast read so if you are looking for something you can finish in a day, with some steamy moments, and characters who are not your typical romance heroes this is a great choice. This is the second Avery Flynn book I have read and I must say, I am starting to like her writing style!
If you like... Other books in this series (the Killer Style Series), No limit by Lori Foster, Dare to Rock by Carly Phillips

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  • Started reading
  • 2 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2015: Reviewed