A tantalising series that lovers of Scandal, House of Cards, and fans of Kristen Proby and Lauren Layne will be unable to resist. Prepare to be addicted to the love stories, seduction, secrets and lies in the city of scandal...
Welcome to Washington, D.C., city of scandal, where no secret stays hidden for long...
Jackie Gardner knows all about dirty little secrets. She's the illegitimate daughter of a powerful senator, determined to take the city by storm in her own right. A prestigious internship is her chance to shine - as long as her past stays buried.
William Andrew Clayton was born for politics. He knows the drill: work hard, play discreetly, and avoid scandal like the plague - his glittering future and campaign depend on it.
Sparks fly when Jackie and Will meet. With both careers at stake, and their every move stalked by a salacious blog—more than one secret is at risk of being exposed. As they cross the line from politics into passion, is what they have just another dirty secret?