Bee and Puppycat Vol. 1 by Natasha Allegri, Garrett Jackson

Bee and Puppycat Vol. 1 (Bee and PuppyCat, #1)

by Natasha Allegri and Garrett Jackson

Natasha Allegri's smash hit YouTube animated series comes to comic books!

A quirky new take on the magical girl genre with Bee, the forever unemployed main character who can't seem to figure out life, and the mysterious PuppyCat, a stray...whatever it is...that she stumbled across who has a powerful secret. You might already love it if you're one of the thousands who supported the Kickstarter campaign, but for those of you just joining us, if you like stories that feature magical girls like SAILOR MOON, MADOKA MAGICA, and POWERPUFF GIRLS, you will enjoy BEE AND PUPPYCAT! It's a...Read more

Reviewed by layawaydragon on

3 of 5 stars

I got this in a Humble Bundle of comics. I hadn't heard or seen this before, which surprised me given all the accomplishments in the blurb.

Bee and Puppycat reminds me a lot of Adventure Time in that I didn't understand what was going on, it jumped around a lot seemingly randomly and it took awhile to grow on me. Maybe it makes more sense for those already familiar, but as a total newcomer not so much.

It's cute. I like the art style and aesthetic. The mini-story about Puppycat getting Bee food made me chuckle and reminded me of my daughter.

I'll be checking out the next ones, but I'll be keeping it affordable in borrowing or another bundle or sale.

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  • 1 September, 2018: Reviewed