Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

Parker Davis is the most sought after message therapist in LA. Kelly Storm is an A-list actress with the paparazzi watching her every move. Kelly seeks Parker out not only for his feather light touch, but his limited sight as well. Parker's almost blindness gives her the anonymity she needs, yet it holds her back from opening herself up to the man who could be exactly what she needs.

When I first started reading this story, I admit, it was not what I was expecting, but in a really good way. It is told in third person narrative and we get a very distinct picture of both Parker and Kelly's day-to-day challenges. Parker's lack of vision was not the biggest obstacle in his life. The pressure of owning his message therapy business, Knead Me, in three different cities and his distinct sexual appetite posed their own problems. Kelly is a year out of a break up where she lost more than just a significant other. Apart they are surviving, but together they create the perfect mess.

This was my first experience reading Font's work and I was literally blown away. The way she evoked such imagery of Parker's world drew me in deeper with each passing word. The story she created out of the chaos of Kelly and Parker's lives is one I will carry with me for years to come. The memories of their passion filled escapades won't vanish anytime soon either!

Thanks to Lorenz Font and Babus Bookshelf for offering me a copy of "Feather Light" in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 5 December, 2013: Reviewed