The Stolen Kingdom by Bethany Atazadeh

The Stolen Kingdom (The Stolen Kingdom, #1)

by Bethany Atazadeh

Princess Arie never expected to manifest a Jinni’s Gift. When she begins to hear the thoughts of those around her, she hides it to the best of her ability. But to her dismay, the forbidden Gift is growing out of control.

When a neighboring king tries to force her hand in marriage and steal her kingdom, discovery becomes imminent. Just one slip could cost her throne. And her life.

A lamp, a heist, and a Jinni hunter’s crew of thieves are her only hope for removing this Gift - and she must remove it before she’s exposed. Or die trying.

THE STOLEN KINGDOM is a loose Aladdin retelling. Set in a world that humans share with Mermaids, Dragons, and the elusive Jinni, this isn’t the fairytale you remember…

Reviewed by writehollydavis on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars. This book blew me away! The way Bethany weaved in the parts from Aladdin were so fun and clever. Because this story held its own and I was so into the world and characters she created, at times I forgot it was even a loose retelling. I'd wanted a bit more description of the setting in the beginning and some lines could've been a bit clearer, but overall it was an amazing read. The tension, characters, magic, and plot were so intricate and well-constructed, it all worked together beautifully and drew me in. I'm SO thrilled that there are more books in this series because I'm not ready to say goodbye!!

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  • Started reading
  • 2 September, 2019: Finished reading
  • 2 September, 2019: Reviewed