A Fool and His Monet by Sandra Orchard

A Fool and His Monet (Serena Jones Mysteries, #1)

by Sandra Orchard

Serena Jones has a passion for recovering lost and stolen art--one that's surpassed only by her zeal to uncover the truth about the art thief who murdered her grandfather. She's joined the FBI Art Crime Team with the secret hope that one of her cases will lead to his killer. Now, despite her mother's pleas to do something safer--like get married--Serena's learning how to go undercover to catch thieves and black market traders.

When a local museum discovers an irreplaceable Monet missing, Jones leaps into action. The clues point in different directions, and her boss orders her to cease investigating her most promising suspect. But determined to solve the case and perhaps discover another clue in her grandfather's murder, she pushes ahead, regardless of the danger.

With spunk, humor, and plenty of heart-stopping moments, Sandra Orchard gives readers an exciting string of cases to crack and a character they'll love to watch solve them.

Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

With a title like A Fool and His Monet, I fully expected this book to have a lot more punny, over-the-top humor. The story was somewhat light-hearted and had some funny elements, especially those involving Serena’s aunt. There were a few men who are potential love interests in future books, but there was no romance for the main character in this story.

Some of the heavier elements in the book were related to an older man with a wife needing a kidney transplant, a murder, Serena’s fear for her life because of a stalker, but the author did a good job in keeping things fairly light while still retaining the elements of suspense and mystery.

There is mention of prayer in the book, but not enough to offend any but those looking to be offended by mention of God. 🙂

This book is the first of a series. There was a clear end to the mystery, yet with hints that Serena’s story will be continued (that, and the fact that there are already 2 more books published in this series). I enjoyed the story enough that I will most likely read the next books. From the description of book #3, I have a feeling that the author will be writing still more books in this series.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

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  • 1 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2017: Reviewed