The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit (Concentrated Knowledge for the Busy Executive)

by Charles Duhigg

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • This instant classic explores how we can change our lives by changing our habits.

NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Wall Street Journal • Financial Times
In The Power of Habit, award-winning business reporter Charles Duhigg takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. Distilling vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives that take us from the boardrooms of Procter & Gamble to the sidelines of the NFL to the front lines of the civil rights movement, Duhigg presents...

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Reviewed by mbtc on

5 of 5 stars

Amazing look into habits and how habits work in our lives. I enjoyed this book so much and think it will help me to make changes in my life that I have wanted to make for awhile. Also an interesting look into marketing and how habits can influence a product's selling power.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 16 January, 2014: Reviewed