London Falling by Chanel Cleeton

London Falling

by Chanel Cleeton

We weren't a relationship, we were a ticking time bomb...

Maggie Carpenter walked away from the hottest encounter of her life when she left the seductive glitz of England for summer break in her South Carolina hometown. Now that she's returned to the International School in London-and sexy, privileged Samir Khouri is once again close enough to touch-she can't help but remember the attraction, the drama...the heartbreak.

She can't help but want him even more.

Samir can't afford to fall for someone so far removed from his world, not when his time in London is running out. It's his senior year-his last chance at freedom before he returns home to Lebanon. There, he'll be expected to follow in his father's footsteps-not follow his heart to Maggie. But when a scorching secret hookup becomes a temptation neither can resist, they'll both have to fight to survive the consequences...and find a future together.

Don't miss this explosive sequel toI See London, and the riveting conclusion to Maggie andSamir's story. This is a New Adult romance recommended for readers 17 and up.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Something started with Maggie and Samir at the end of book 1, and book 2 is about them figuring out what they mean to each other. They have to overcome many obstacles, the biggest being, that Samir has a family obligation to marry a politically connected woman and Maggie must protect her heart. We have to endure these two trying to resist their innate need to be with each other, their unavoidable attraction to one another. This book was a lot more emotional than the last one. There is a lot of heartfelt and agonizing moments. The last book focused on Maggie's evolution. In London Falling, she continues to evolve, but we also see a ton of growth for Samir and Fleur. Samir is getting ready to graduate and has to decide if he will embrace his family legacy, while Fleur is trying to move past everything that happened with Costa, and decide what sort of person she really wants to be, while trying to outrun her past and her reputation. I have to say, Samir really won my heart in this book. I could not resist his charms and now sort of understood what Maggie saw in him in the first place. Now, if we could only get Fleur's love life straightened out.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 12 May, 2015: Reviewed