Reviewed by stressedrach on

4 of 5 stars

Stealing His Heart is book 2 of the Shillings Agency Series although it can easily be read as a standalone book as I just did. In this book we meet Jake and Tara. Jake is ex-military and is now a security guard, Tara is a thief who steals things and gives them back to their rightful owners for a fee.
Jake and Tara know each other from their younger days and were good friends until his parents died and he was put into the care system which was hellish. They both got caught and he leaving Tara behind. Being injured he is back but has not only his injury to contend with but the emotional scars too his girlfriend can't handle it and walks.
This is not a case of Jake and Tara reuniting and a HEA straight away. They both work for the opposite teams as it were. Making it hard and Jake's mind is a mess.
There is steamy bedroom scenes and dominance although it is light.
I loved Tara she is so funny, and reminds me a little of myself. Jake was obviously the hot hero of the story and if you do not really like him at the beginning I can tell you he will melt you by the end and you will love him too.
This is the first book I had read by Diane Alberts but it will not be my last!

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  • Started reading
  • 29 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 August, 2014: Reviewed