Love and Other Train Wrecks by Leah Konen

Love and Other Train Wrecks

by Leah Konen

When their train breaks down during a snowstorm, Noah, a hopeless romantic, and Ammy, who refuses to believe in true love, are forced to travel together to reach their destinations.

Reviewed by Amber on

3 of 5 stars

Love and Other Train Wrecks is one of those books that is simply alright. There’s nothing standout about it, in my opinion, but it was an easy read. The two main characters (stupidly) get off a train to Hudson in an attempt to get to their destinations faster, but almost everything that could go wrong does go wrong along the way.

The over the top situations were amusing, but mostly I felt like the characters acted like idiots throughout most of it. It didn’t frustrate me at all, but I was rolling my eyes a lot because so many of these situations could have been avoided, especially if they had just stayed on the bloody train. And none of this “they’re just teenagers!” stuff. They’re 17, not 13. It was stupid.

I didn’t like Ammy, the female main character, all that much. Mostly it was because she is a book snob, and looked down on the guy for reading The Hunger Games. She’s one of those people who only reads classics, and thinks YA is dumb and bestsellers are generic. Like, get over yourself, love. You’re in a YA book.

Otherwise, I really liked the overall feel of the book. It’s set during a snowy winter, and it felt very Christmas-y and atmospheric. That was nice.

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  • 25 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 25 October, 2017: Reviewed