Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

Yes! I love this series, and this issue is no exception. I feel like a lot of what I’ve been waiting for was thrown into this issue, and I couldn’t be happier.
So we’re finally getting to the bottom of things. We don’t know what Charlie did yet – that’d be too easy…but we do know who’s behind the Reapr campaign. Or at least, we think we know. And it is nothing like what I expected. It’s so much bigger. I honestly didn’t see that coming. I’m looking forward to finding out how on earth Charlie got herself into this mess – and why. I also wonder if she knew what she was doing, or if she somehow managed to get into this mess by accident? Okay, the latter seems incredibly unlikely. Especially with them settings things up by having Vita state her complete lack of trust in Charlie (don’t blame her there).
As per usual the character interactions were on points. Vita’s reactions to everything is always priceless, especially when her on again/off again girl is around. And of course I always love seeing her beat the snot out of jerks (the one in this issue was particularly satisfying, if I may say so).

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  • 2 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 2 January, 2019: Reviewed