A Small Hill to Die on by Elizabeth J Duncan

A Small Hill to Die on (Penny Brannigan Mystery, #4)

by Elizabeth J Duncan

When the pregnant teenage daughter of a wealthy newcomer to Llanelen is found dead in the nearby woods, spa owner Penny Brannigan investigates the family's suspicious financial dealings while her paramour, Detective Inspector Davies, tracks down the killer.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars

A very well crafted, well written cozy mystery that remains true to the strictest definition of a cozy. This is not an assembly line run-of-the-mill plot; it's obvious when reading it that the author spent a lot of time crafting this book, as well as the previous books in this series. I'd readily recommend this series and book to cozy readers; especially those who prefer their reads without language, sex, or overt violence.

Having said all of that, I'll most likely not continue this series myself. Not because I think it needs language, or sex, or overt violence, but because I'm personally not connecting with the characters. I love that it takes place in Wales, in a market town. I love that the main character is an artist who owns a day spa. And I can't point to anything specific about the characters save a tiny bit of dialogue that felt stilted. I'm just not connecting. And that's the only reason I gave this 3 stars and not a higher rating.

I think a lot of cozy lovers would genuinely enjoy reading this book.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 17 April, 2013: Reviewed