Reviewed by leelu92 on

5 of 5 stars

What can I say? I'm a fan of the Nichols men. I wish that there were more of them, though. I fell head over heels in love with older brother, Clay Nichols in Ms. Blakely's Seductive Nights. (Blog post) I'm not sure what Clay and Brent's father told them when they were growing up, but I'd like to bottle it and sell it.

I cannot even express how happy I was to be back amongst the fabulousness? fabulosity? of a Nichols man. They are alphas to the core, sexy as hell and complete and utter panty dropping dirty talkers. On top of all of that, Brent is a (former) comedian and he is hilarious. What I also loved was that Shannon was so well matched for him. After being engaged to each other and splitting up over Brent's own hard headed stupidity, it was only fair that they got a second chance. Brent realized that he had a GOLDEN opportunity, to get back the woman he truly loved. There was no question that Shannon and Brent belonged together! It was a matter of the two of them learning to be honest with each other and working through what drove them apart in the first place.

There was a lot of sighing, swooning and hot flashes while I read this book. I absolutely cannot wait for more from this series. Alas, there are no more Nichols brothers but I have faith that I'll love Shannon's brothers almost (?) as much as Brent and Clay. ;)This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • Started reading
  • 16 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 16 June, 2015: Reviewed