Pileaus: Symphony No. 1 by

Pileaus: Symphony No. 1 (World of Pileaus, #1)

Otherworldly Fae kidnapping mortal musicians to satisfy their strange desires. An innocent girl who can read people’s secrets. A skyship pilot drawn out to sea by a song only she can hear. A pregnant mother protecting her child with the help of friendly forest spirits. These are the stories of Pileaus, a world of music, magic, and endless mystery.While the Empire expands, the bards scheme, and the ethereal Fae play their immortal games, life goes on in countless ways. What is the essence of a land but its people, as their small parts weave together to form a beautiful...Read more

Reviewed by ambiancereads on

4 of 5 stars

Received an Arc for my honest review - Pileaus is an anthology collection of twenty-seven stories. I enjoyed the stories, I think the world that these authors built is beautiful and intriguing. The only thing is that I wish there was maybe some background as to the wars that are going on around the characters. But otherwise the authors did a beautiful job weaving together multiple stories. If you love Dungeons and Dragons and you want to feel more like a player dropped into a world that weaves around you - this it it.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 December, 2021: Finished reading
  • 11 December, 2021: Reviewed