Shadow Silence by Yasmine Galenorn

Shadow Silence (Whisper Hollow, #2)

by Yasmine Galenorn

Kerris Fellwater is a spirit shaman. She makes certain the restless spirits of Whisper Hallow, Washington stay in their graves. She and her mate Bryan must work together to save her friend Peggin from a cuse solve a dark and violent mystery from the past.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Shifters, Gods, Shaman and paranormal creatures reside amongst the living in Whisper Hollow. Kerris Fellwater carries the mark, and is the spirit shaman. Her job is to drive the dead back to their graves.She is aided by her protector Bryan and assisted by Ellia who plays the song of the dead. While there is an overall arc concerning the scorned gods and the balance against evil, each book seems to deal with a particular threat or two.

Galenorn quickly pulled me back into this world as events take place a few months after those in book one, Autumn Thorns. Peggin, Kerris’s best friend is cursed by the Lady of the Lake and all hell breaks loose as the unliving try to pull her into the lake's murky depths. The case was interesting with plenty of action. I enjoyed how the author weaved town history into this story and then linked it to a mysterious object.

While Peggin’s curse was the central theme, we were treated to additional threads that held my interest. The Hounds of Cu’ Chulainn, the silencing of the screaming tree and Magda and her witch bottles. I loved all the spells and rituals combined with lures and supernatural creatures. This tale screams fall and Galenorn brought Whisper Hollow and the surrounding forest to life.

Secondary characters from those belonging to the secret society to Deev, Peggin’s steampunk boyfriend grab the reader and will have you demanding more details. Deev is unique, and has a strange gift. We learn more about him but these details had me screaming for more. I love Peggin and her retro pin-up girl wardrobe. The Crow Man continues to delight me with his tongue twisters and the story of the Unliving Queen Veronica was creeptastic and sorrowful. This scene truly highlights this author’s vivid imagination and gave me goosebumps. She adds a sense of realness to these twisted lores and for this reader it’s addictive.

The romance between Bryan and Kerris continues to grow and felt genuine. We gained a little more knowledge about Bryan and his family’s role. I would like to see him take a more centered role in addition to being her protector.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 19 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 19 August, 2016: Reviewed