Gymnastics by


How did Kerri Strug go from Olympic hopeful to Olympic champion? How does Dominique Moceanu spend a typical day?

This thorough, fun-to-read book answers those questions and many more. You'll learn the ins and outs of the equipment and events, find out how scoring is done, read about the history of the sport, and lots more!

Dan Gutman's insider look at gymnastics has been fully updated to include the 1996 Olympics and is sure to enthrall aspiring gymnasts and devoted fans alike.

"A glossary, a chronology, and an entertaining chapter of gymnastics trivia round out this easily read, timely overview of a popular sport."—Booklist

Dan Gutman is the author of many books for children, including Ice Skating, Taking Flight: My Story by Vicky Van Meter, and World Series Classics. He lives in Haddonfield, New Jersey.

Reviewed by Beth C. on

2 of 5 stars

My daughter decided I needed to learn more about her competitive gymnastics, so she checked this out from her school library for me to read :D It was a quick and interesting book, though DEFINITELY dated. Even as a person who doesn't know a lot about the sport, I knew that much had changed since the book's publication. I did find, however, that there was a part still VERY pertinent - that of Bela Karolyi. I did find it fascinating that even when this book was published, there were questions about his coaching methods. Considering the current atmosphere and changes in USA Gymnastics right now, it was definitely curious to me that it was allowed to continue. Medals over minds, I suppose.

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  • 12 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 12 March, 2018: Reviewed