Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

I'm a frequent reader of Alicia Rae and she's a pro and pulling out all the FEELS! And that's what will happen to you by the end of the book, you'll be left in a big putty mess of emotions. And I'm hoping so hard that there is a HEA for the both of them, yes, another book is on it's way. But thank goodness we won't have to wait too long, you're the best, Alicia!

Poor Raelyn, my heart broke for that girl, straight from the beginning. After being told that you have months to live and losing the person (A-hole ex-fiance, Nick) you thought you'd spend the rest of your life; she beat the odds, she's alive, she survived. She has another chance at life and she's put a lock on her heart, never wanting to relive that emotional pain she endured with her ex.

Damien, a man with a past and secrets. He's quite the alpha male, but thankfully it's not overbearing, I don't know maybe a lot of readers like it when they're overbearing. Whatever he's witholding from Raelyn, it's dark and painful. And I'm not sure if I'll be emotionally prepared to learn what secrets he has to share. I don't think my poor heart can take him. I love Damien especially the way he constantly takes care of her. They're definitely each other's rock and they just need each other.

The chemistry between Raelyn and Damien is off the charts; it's instant and I'm sure anyone can tell how much they want each other just by being in the same room as them. With their chemistry, they both have to plenty to share with each other. And Raelyn's dark enemy may have returned after so many months of being free from it. By the end, you'll witness the crossfire of some of the truth coming to light. They're at the road of no return, with their feelings for each other growing so quickly, you'll wonder what hurdles they'll have to leap over to get their HEA. And there's even the question of, if they'll have that HEA.

There's just so much of everything in this book; passion, love, and even pain. Like most books with cliffhangers, I'm usually in a frustrated state. And I'd say it's a first time to say that it wasn't the case for me with this one, I'm eager to know the truth about Damien, but I'm so flippin' nervous about Raelyn. I love them together and Damien is a true man for her, sticking be her no matter how upset they can get with each other. His love for her is strong and nothing will get in the way of it.

Alicia, you better give them a HEA, pleaseeee!

Tattooed Emotions is a 2015 fave!

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  • Started reading
  • 15 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 September, 2015: Reviewed