Lovers at Heart, Reimagined by Melissa Foster

Lovers at Heart, Reimagined (Love in Bloom: The Bradens at Weston, Co, #1)

by Melissa Foster

Treat Braden wasn’t looking for love when Max Armstrong walked into his Nassau resort, but he saw right through the efficient and capable facade she wore like a shield to the sweet, sensual woman beneath. One magnificent evening together sparked an intense connection, and for the first time in his life Treat wanted more than a casual affair. But something caused Max to turn away, and now, after weeks of unanswered phone calls and longing for the one woman he cannot have, Treat is going back to his family’s ranch to try to finally move on.

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Lovers at Heart by Melissa Foster has been on my radar ever since I read Friendship on Fire, which is the third book in the series. I purchased the freebie but then I discovered that she had written a re-imagined version of Treat and Mac’s story. I decided there and then I would forgo the original and pick up the newer version.

I am not in a position to say what changes were made to the original hence I unable to make a comparative analysis. What I can speak to, however is that Lovers at Heart (Reimagined) was a heartfelt story of loss, healing and love.

The story provided a synopsis of their initial meeting and the events that led to their current situation. The story focused on the development of their relationship.

Personally, I am not a big fan of insta love and I know that a few romance readers feel the same way, but in this scenario, it worked. They met and in days of meeting, they fell in love, but it did not and there. These two had to fight and win the biggest battle of their lives, that of overcoming the pain of their past, before they could reap the benefits to be gained from their love for each other.

The thing I loved about both characters was that they were not perfect. They were perfect for each other as a couple but flawed when it came to their individuality.

Max had suffered at the hands of her ex, which resulted in her second-guessing every potential relationship. It instilled fear so deep it affected her ability to commit to the man she loved.

Treat lost his mom at an early age and is yet to come to terms with her loss. As the eldest child, he assumed responsibility of looking out for his siblings, even though it was not required of him. He buried himself in that responsibility, and when he got older work became his crutch. He never gave himself time to mourn his loss.

One of my biggest pet peeves in a story is when the main characters fail to grow; however, this was not the case for Treat and Max. They faced the things holding them back head on and triumphed.

Persons may have a problem with Max, but for me I had no issues. I understood her and the reasons for her actions. Her sensitivity contributed to her actions and the fact that Treat recognized this and accepted her regardless made him a hero in my eyes. Her bravery in confronting the contributor of her fears proved how much she had grown.

I admired the bond Treat shared with his family and I loved how they embraced Max. Treats honesty was refreshing, and it was one of his many traits that helped Max to realise her heart would be safe with him.

Now as much as I enjoyed their journey I had a niggling issue.

The lack of uniqueness. I have to admit the story felt like plot felt like one I have read a few times. The setting and the characters made the difference. I was hoping for some drama and conflict, but it never materialised.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It may not have been my favourite by Melissa, but it was still a good read.

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