Reviewed by zarahoffman on

5 of 5 stars

I normally don’t read the RH genre. It's never been something that really interested me, but this book description made it impossible for me to not read more.

Noelle is independent, feisty, and dares anyone to call her a freak for being part dragon, werewolf, and witch. An unheard of combination with possibly dire consequences.

Ori, Paulo, Rayen, and Kai are initially pissed at having to babysit the royal, distracting them from their fight against the Darkness. But even when they're acting like jerks to her, it's clear that though they're all intense, they're also fierce, loyal, and dedicated to their cause and each other.

When they meet Noelle, they’re downright antagonistic and it’s a lot of fun to see her disobeying them and hitting back at their verbal jabs. But when they get to know each other more, she realizes they have good hearts and that the sexual tension existing between them might be more than just an inconvenient attraction.

Their relationships, in addition to her friends at the Academy and her family, were all well-rounded. No character was one-dimensional and they were as interesting as the plot’s driving questions of which part of Noelle will become the most dominant and what does the Darkness want with her?

I read this book in one sitting and immediately wanted to know what happens next.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who likes NA PNR and I would tell people wary of the RH label to still give it a try.

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  • 12 August, 2019: Reviewed