Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Alpha’s Heir starts off with Orson’s father, Nikolai, trashing his house after finding Orson in bed with a human woman. Nikolai looks down on Orson because, while he has padded the coffers for the clan. Nikolai keeps telling Orson that he had defeated the Alpha of the clan at his age and seems to think he is week because he sells computer software. Nikolai is just waiting for the day that Orson breaks and challenges him. Which Orson refuses to do.

Nikolai is also dead set on keeping the arranged marriage between Orson and Cleo, the Alpha of another clan. Both Cleo and Nikolai are dead set against marrying each other but cannot find a way out. That is until Orson meets Casey.

Casey works at a supernatural bar called Audrey’s as a waitress and has become fast friends with Audrey, the proprietor, and Lola, another waitress. Casey meets Orson one night after he wins the Shift Challenge (think of a Tough Mudder competition but for shifters). She had talked to Lola and Audrey about the truck full of food that she has parked outside because someone cancelled on her. Orson, overhearing her with his keen shifter hearing, follows her outside and pays for the food.

Orson has always been attracted to Casey and was very excited to find out that she doesn’t date. Add in that her food was fantastic. He starts fantasizing about her and well, starts pleasuring himself. Which is great but with a greasy fried chicken hand? All I can think of is the smell….lmao. After effect (to keep this within Amazon’s guidelines) and greasy chicken….lmao. Yum.

Anyways, Cleo, his arranged wife, walks in and talks to him about making a move on Casey and ending the engagement. Cleo thinks that he should challenge his father for Alpha…in two weeks. She also thinks that he should make a move Casey…soon.

Which he does. Orson shows up at Audrey’s and asks Casey to cater for a small get together that he is having for business associates. What happens next….read the book.

The sex between Orson and Casey was hot, hot, hot. They were all over each other from the minute they were both undressed in Orson’s bedroom and it just didn’t stop.

I couldn’t stand Nikolai. He came off as an abusive jerk who was a very sore loser. What I couldn’t understand was why he felt the need to trash Orson’s place every time he was there (mainly to break up sex and scare the humans). I felt, in the beginning of the book, that he was the ultimate cockblocker….lol.

For a short story, this packed a lot of punch and I liked that there were really no other storylines except the Orson/Casey/Nikolai one. The one between Orson and Cleo was wrapped up rather early. Oh, I do have to say that I really liked Cleo.

The end of the story was cute and perfect for the book.

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  • 6 January, 2017: Reviewed