Maybe for You by Nicole McLaughlin

Maybe for You (Whiskey and Weddings)

by Nicole McLaughlin

Alexis Parker has had a lifetime of suffering. Now that she’s completed her military service, Alexis is determined to make a fresh start as the marketing assistant at her brother’s distillery, The Stag. She just didn’t realise she’d have to work with Jake Cooper.

During the spring festival tour, Jake finds Alexis’ presence in the RV more distracting then he’d like to admit, even though he knows sleeping with her is the stupidest thing he could do. But he can’t get enough of Alexis.

What happens on the road stays on the road…until the evidence of their affair becomes apparent and they’re thrown together in an untraditional marriage. Will Alexis and Jake finally be able to find happiness, and a family, together?

Funny, sexy, and sweet, Maybe for You, is another swoon-worthy story from Nicole McLaughlin!

Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Maybe for You broke my heart. I should have known that this book was going to make me cry by the first chapter. Alexis's pain over Nate's death was gut-wrenching. It came off the pages in waves. My heart broke for her. She needed to start healing. The first step to doing that was her taking the post in Italy. What I liked is that the author didn't detail Alexis's time in Italy. All I knew is that when she came home, she had somewhat healed and was starting to live again. Which was great and set the tone for the rest of the book.

I liked Alexis. What I liked is that she was human. She wasn't perfect. She made mistakes. She had the same insecurities. It made for a more believable character. I connected to her. Mainly in the last half of the book. Everything that she felt, I felt. She did have her flaws. She kept pushing Jake away. She kept him at arm's length. She was confused about what she felt about him. I loved it!!!

I liked Jake. He was exactly what he presented. The only thing is that he liked the ladies and the ladies liked him. I did think that it was messed up that the father of a grown woman complained to his business partners about Jake sleeping with his daughter. I also found it a little creepy. I liked that he was there for Alexis no matter what. I did agree with what he said when Alexis found out what she did. He wasn't perfect. He had a temper. He had a rep as a playboy. But it was those imperfections that made his characters.

I loved that the romance in this book wasn't Instalove. I don't have anything against Instalove but it gets old in romance novels. So, when I see a novel where the relationship is built up, I love it. So, yes, I was happy with the romance in this book. Jake and Alexis had a year to build a relationship via text. For some people, that might not be enough but Jake and Alexis talked every day for a year. A relationship was built. I also liked how the author chose to have Alexis and Jake overcome their relationship issues. They fought like normal people but they always ended up talking it out.

Like the romance, the chemistry between Jake and Alexis grew during the first few chapters. I did have one small complaint. Not even a complaint, an observation. But how did she not feel hin when she was grinding up against him? I mean, its pretty obvious. Not talking from experience or Anyways, that chemistry leads to some red-hot sex. I needed a fan after the first scene. The other sex scenes, while not as hot, were still hot in their own sense. But nothing was like that first scene.

Now, I haven't read the other books. The author did a great job at keeping the other characters, Dean and Charlotte/T.J. and Jen, in the background. I liked it. So yeah, the author did a great job at keeping them in the background where they belonged. Saying that, though, the secondary characters did make the book. If I had to have favorites, it would be Charlotte and Regina. Charlotte because she didn't take crap from anyone. Regina because she was sweet and understanding.

The secondary storylines added depth to the book. Instead of taking over a book and leaving questions, they added to it. The author was able to tie them to the main storyline by the end of the book.

The end of the book was fantastic. I won't lie, I had tears running down my face. It was that moving and a perfect ending for this book!! Also, the epilogue made me cry too. Ugly crying for the last half of the book FTW!!

What I liked about Maybe for You:

A) Alexis's healing

B) The romance between Alexis and Jake

C) The epilogue

What I disliked about Maybe for You:

A) Alexis's keep pushing Jake away

B) Jake's temper

C) The other sex scenes weren't as hot as the first one.

I gave Maybe for You a 4-star rating. The characters were relatable and the plotline was engaging. I did think that the sex scenes, after the first one, lacked some of the heat of the first one. I also didn't like Alexis pushing Jake away many times. But other than that, it was a good read.

I gave Maybe for You an Adult rating. There is sex. There is language. There is some very mild violence. I would recommend that no one under the age of 21 read this book.

I would reread Maybe for You. I would also recommend it to family and friends.

I would like to thank St. Martin's Paperbacks, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Maybe for You.

All opinions stated in this review of Maybe for You are mine.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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  • Started reading
  • 21 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 21 August, 2018: Reviewed