Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book from the author to provide an honest review. This is not your typical paranormal romance where you would expect to be reading about vampires, werewolves and shape-shifters. This was more sci-fi in nature as it was clear that Mykhael, the lead male character was not human and he was definitely not from earth. There was no indication as to what his race was but it was apparent that they were superior to humans. This was evident from the plot. Mykhael is an assassin, who was sent by his superiors to kill Kendra, the main female character, who he ultimately fell in love with. It was believed that Kendra was responsible for destroying the forest and so she had to be punished. Mykael was assigned the task of carrying out that punishment. I was interested to see how the author would deal with this issue and I was not disappointed.
Kendra is not your typical romance heroine. She is not the incredible beauty that is usually found in this type of genre. She was vulnerable, a loner and had self-esteem issues. These attributes were compounded by the fact that she had been in an accident that had led to the destruction of her career as a dancer. This is someone most of us can relate to. Mykhael was very manly; however he was not the type of male who was afraid to show his emotions. The connection between both lead characters was obvious from the time they first met.
The story was easy to read in some parts; however there were a few parts that seemed a bit dragged out, in spite of this it was an enjoyable read. The moral in the story was quite clear. It emphasized how greed and power can bring about our destruction.
This story had a beautiful ending. It does not leave the reader hanging and wondering what’s going to happen next. I enjoyed reading this book and would definitely read more of this author’s work.

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  • 7 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 7 December, 2012: Reviewed