The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings

The Descendants

by Kaui Hart Hemmings

A descendant of one of Hawaii's largest landowners, Matt King finds his luck changed when his fun-loving, filghty wife Joanie falls into a coma, victim of a boating accident. Matt is left in sole charge of his two daughters, teenage ex-model and recovering drug addict Alex, and Scottie, a feisty ten-year-old.

And then Matt discovers Joanie has been having an affair. Deciding to seek out Joanie's lover so that he too has a chance to say his goodbyes, Matt takes to the road with his daughters on a memorable journey of painful revelations and unexpected humour...

Reviewed by viking2917 on

4 of 5 stars

when paradise isn't paradise....great book.

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  • 2 October, 2016: Reviewed