A Beautiful Evil by Kelly Keaton

A Beautiful Evil

by Kelly Keaton

Ari has finally learned the terrifying truth. She is a descendant of Medusa, cursed to become a monster designed to kill with a single touch.

Haunted by the image of what she will become, Ari, with the help of the gorgeous Sebastian, is doing everything she can to learn more about Athena, the goddess who cursed her family and kidnapped young Violet. But the battle between good and evil is much bigger than she realises, and Ari is about to be pulled into a world more horrific than she could ever imagine. And now, as she prepares to face Athena, Ari must unleash the very thing she's most afraid of... herself.

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

5 of 5 stars

Another fantastic book in the Gods and Monsters series. This book continues to build upon what the first book did. We get bits and pieces of information and it keeps on you just fascinated that you want to continue to read to figure everything out. I read this book so fast, it was such a page turner.

I would definitely recommend these books for anybody who loves Mythology books.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 8 April, 2013: Reviewed