The Highland Duke by Amy Jarecki

The Highland Duke (Highland Dukes) (Lords of the Highlands)

by Amy Jarecki

Lord George Gordon has much at risk and more to hide. Riding into battle with his cousin earned him a musket ball in his thigh and a price on his head. Now, he has no choice but to trust the healer who finds him.

Akira Ayres knows the wounded, mysterious Highlander is a Jacobite, but she cannot let him die. When they're discovered by a murderous captain, they have no choice but to flee and fight their way north to safety. But if he isn't careful, the rakish Duke of Gordon could lose his life-and his once-hard heart-along the way.

Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Shake and shimmy happy dance...I found a new author.

I see the word Highland or Highlander in a title and I get a wee bit excited. When I find a new author to me who writes Historical Highlander set way…way back in the day, you may catch me doing a shake and shimmy happy dance. There’s just something about the big braw Scottish dudes wearing a kilt, with a sword in one hand, a flask of whisky tucked into his sporran and riding a wee beastie, that gets my heart pumping. Well, The Highland Duke has given me a great introduction to Amy Jarecki AND she has a backlog…SCORE!!!!

I really enjoyed The Highland Duke, and I was very surprised at how much I loved it. See, I’m a bit of a snob. I kind of need (in my previous reads) for the hero and heroine to be on equal footing. I think it makes it a little more believable when they are both at the same level in social standings. Well, this was definitely not that. Good old Dukey (yes, another bloody Duke) is getting matched up with a healer. This healer is near the bottom of the rung when it comes to social standings because she’s a…Gypsy (gasp).

I didn’t know too much about Gypsy’s before starting this one, and I found it interesting to learn more about them and their history. I always knew they were looked down on, but I wasn’t sure why. Tinker, a term used in this story (and I’m guessing derogatory), is used to describe them. Tinker’s are “known” for stealing, trickery and begging and were outlawed. Most left the country but some were able to meld in with society but with their distinctive dark colouring, most were mistreated.

So, we have two very different ends of the social standing, near royalty and near leper. Hmmm…if you’re anything like me you start questioning how this could ever lead to a happy ever after. Well, I will admit, I started gripping my kindle tighter and mumbling and grumbling under my breath when the dreaded word…Mistress floated about. I can confirm that with a very valid reason why the word was even floating about and an ending that left me smiling, I was content.

The Highland Duke is filled with action, adventure, chemistry and conflict. The characters are far from perfect but are lovable and endearing. The baddies will make your skin crawl and tutt, tutt over their greedy and self-serving attitudes. We also meet some interesting characters that I desperately want to know more about.

If you’re a fan of historical romance and don’t mind a wee bit of braw Scottish highlander, The Highland Duke will definitely keep you satisfied.

Stacey is Sassy, received an advanced copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 12 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 March, 2017: Reviewed