Dreaming of Love (The Bradens at Trusty) by Melissa Foster

Dreaming of Love (The Bradens at Trusty) (The Bradens at Trusty, #5)

by Melissa Foster

Love in Bloom VOTED BEST BOOK SERIES, Supportive Business Moms UK


Amazon Editors' Pick - One of the BEST ROMANCE BOOKS of JANUARY 2015!


Emily Braden is a leader in architectural preservation, a pillar in her small hometown, and successful in everything she does--with the exception of finding true love. She's watched several of her brothers fall in love, and she needs this trip to Tuscany to get away from it all and to stop focusing on what she doesn't have.

Dae Bray doesn't do flings, and he never stays in one place for very long. As a demolitionist, he goes where jobs take him, and the more often he travels, the better. His trip to Tuscany is all work--until he meets smart and sexy Emily, who makes him reconsider his fear of settling down, his no-fling rule--and just about everything else he's ever believed about himself.

Passion sizzles as Dae and Emily explore the history and beauty of Tuscany. Their romance moves beyond tourist attractions to the bedroom, blossoming into a deep connection neither can deny. But their worlds collide when Emily wants to preserve the property that Dae is there to demolish. Can a woman who sees the beauty in preservation and a man whose life is spent tearing things down find a solid foundation for their love?


SNOW SISTERS: Sisters in Love, Sisters in Bloom, Sisters in White

THE BRADENS (Weston, CO): Lovers at Heart, Destined for Love, Friendship on Fire,
Sea of Love, Bursting with Love, Hearts at Play

THE BRADENS (Trusty, CO): Taken by Love, Fated for Love, Romancing My Love, Flirting with Love, Dreaming of Love, Crashing into Love

THE BRADENS (Peaceful Harbor, MD): Healed by Love (Nate), Surrender My Love

Coming Soon – River of Love

THE REMINGTONS: Game of Love, Stroke of Love, Flames of Love, Slope of Love, Read, Write, Love

Coming Soon – Touched by Love

SEASIDE SUMMERS: Seaside Dreams, Seaside Hearts, Seaside Sunsets, Seaside Secrets, Seaside Nights, Seaside Embrace

Coming Soon - Seaside Lovers

THE RYDERS: Seized by Love

Coming Soon - Claimed by Love, Chased by Love

Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

There is a lot happening within the two week time-line of this story but nothing feels rushed. Against a stunning Tuscan backdrop, two people that may first appear to be poles apart with regards to their chosen careers, find a deep connection with one another.

Dae Bray loves his job as a demolitionist, which takes him to various locations around the world. Work is his sole purpose for his stay at the villa near Florence until another guest arrived – a beautiful, sexy and smart woman that intrigues him. Just a shame he doesn't do flings anymore!
Emily Braden is in Tuscany to stay at a villa designed by one of her favourite architects. A workaholic and herself an architect specialising in passive-house design, she's on a much needed holiday. Relationships have always been on the back-burner especially when she has five over-protective brothers watching out for her. Her soon-to-be sister-in-law tells her Emily to have fun, but can she throw caution to the wind when the only other guest in the villa is deliciously muscled tall guy?

The relation between Dae and Emily feels convincing even though this is an instant attraction and their relationship develops at lightning speed. They both come from large families and share similar values which cements the foundations of their developing relationship. Their careers cause a conflict of interest when the building Dae has assessed for demolition is the same one that the locals call Casa Dei Desideri – the house of wishes – the old house with a huge, gnarled olive tree growing in the wall of the house. A poignant sub-plot with Adelina and Serafina adds weight to the argument for keeping the house safe as Dae learns about the local legend surrounding the property. Both he and Emily are torn apart but thankfully approach the problem regarding the house in a thoughtful, mature way, ever mindful that a wrong decision could end a promising happy ever after for them both.

This is my first Melissa Foster book and will definitely be catching up on all of Dae and Emily's families very soon. This is a sexy love story but what makes this book really shine is the Tuscan setting. I've been to Florence and was able to fully absorb and re-live my own memories of this Italian city through Ms Foster's writing.

***arc received courtesy of author***

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  • 20 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 20 January, 2015: Reviewed