Accidental Superstar by Marianne Levy

Accidental Superstar

by Marianne Levy

If I'd known that two million people were going to be watching, I'd probably have done a bit of tidying up.

Katie Cox is used to going unnoticed - by her mum, her dad, even her best friend. But when a video of her singing in her bedroom goes viral, she becomes a superstar overnight. As the views skyrocket and a recording contract beckons, the real world starts to feel very far away.

And now Katie's riding high on her newfound fame. But the higher she goes, the further there is to fall . . .

Accidental Superstar by Marianne Levy is the first in a hilarious series about a girl who accidentally finds fame singing online.

Reviewed by Leah on

5 of 5 stars

Do you ever get that feeling where you read a book SO GOOD you need the sequel immediately? LIKE YESTERDAY? And then you realise the sequel is at least a year away? Well, that. I am feeling that horrific anger where I want the sequel to Accidental Superstar right now, even if that means reading as Marianne writes it. Because Accidental Superstar was amazing. Absolutely knock-me-down amazing. I read all kinds of books but my favourites are the light reads that I can just lose myself in, without worrying about feeling any emotion other than happiness. The Geek Girl series does that perfectly for me, because you always know Harriet Manners will win out in the end, and I felt that with Accidental Superstar. It made me happy.

At heart I reckon I am still thirteen-years-old. Not twenty-five. Thirteen. Because books like Accidental Superstar make me miss school, and that amazing kind of hope you have at thirteen that everything will pan out exactly how you want it, and that's what it's like for Katie (although let it be said, I don't actually know how old Katie is). Katie's life actually kind of sucks, since her mum and dad broke up, they're living in a dump, her mum has a new boyfriend and to top it all off they're moving to a new house that resembles something out of The Money Pit, but when a video of Katie and her friends (and Adrian) jamming goes up online and goes viral, it looks like Katie's life is looking up - a music deal, a concert, a single, all that good stuff and I so bad wanted it to work out, but I've read books like this before and you just know there's a sting in the tail somewhere, but I loved Katie regardless.

Katie is the kind of girl I could have done with knowing at thirteen, that many girls could do with knowing. Maybe she's not always a good friend, but you do know that in the end she'll do the right thing, and hello? Who doesn't want to be a famous musician? Accidental Superstar is like the best roller-coaster you can ever go on, with ups and downs, but it made my heart sing (not literally, singing is not nor will ever be something I excel at) and it made me happy and do you know what? I didn't even notice there was no romance! There is no romance in this book, and I didn't even notice it was missing the book was that good. To be fair there was so much going on, it didn't really need it.

I loved this book. I loved Katie. I loved Mad Jaz. I loved the plot. I loved the writing. It was such a pure pleasure to read this book and I devoured it, like I would die if I didn't get to the end and see what happened. And the ending was sooooooooooooooo good. So satisfying, and left for book two nicely, but without an awkward cliff-hanger. I really, really enjoyed this book. I need Accidental Superstar: In Concert in my hands like as soon as it's released and it kills me I have to wait, but I will and it will so be worth it.

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  • 7 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 7 February, 2016: Reviewed