Reviewed by Chelsea on

5 of 5 stars

** I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. **

I’m not a huge fan of this cover but it’s not ugly so I can deal with it. The title is really cool though. The Timely Death Trilogy? Love that.

Initial Thoughts
After reading the summary for this book I was pretty excited to start it. It just sounded cool and interesting. It was pretty cool learning that the darks were the good guys and the lights the bad guys. It was different and gave me a new perspective which I liked. Also the book was in the point of view of two main characters which I don’t normally like but it worked really well in this book. The first few chapters did well with introducing the not humans and it set the tone nicely for the rest of the book.

My New BFF
Jessica was pretty cool. She was one of the point of views along with Eric. Her situation (which I won’t spoil) was obvious to me but it was kind of cool all the same. That was probably the only thing I really didn’t like. It wasn’t obvious to anyone in the book who she was except for the reader. But it turned out good in the end. I liked how she could stand up for herself, it was refreshing for a female character.

My Crush
Eric, obviously. You didn’t see a whole lot of male characters in this book. There was Eric and his best friend and then another guy at school (who I think is secretly evil, but who knows). Eric was my favourite because we knew way more about him. Plus he transforms into this super awesome shade that can kill like everything. That’s attractive for me. He wasn’t the smartest all the time though which annoyed me but he’s a teenage boy so I let it slide. I really enjoyed his relationship with his father. They both tried so hard to have this normal father-son relationship and it just didn’t work out all the time. I was still really interested in them both when they were together.

Writing Style
Since I finished this book in one sitting, I’m going to say that the writing was pretty good. Just a little too short! Besides that, the plot moved pretty nice and the character development was really good. I was pretty much hooked as soon as I started it, which is a huge accomplishment.

Closing Thoughts
I need more. That’s all I can think about as I write this. I just want to know what happens next right now. This is a book I’d love to have on my bookshelf so I could read it whenever I wanted. Not that I can’t read it whenever I want on my eReader, but it’s just not the same. I liked how the book ended because it was a good solution to their problem I think. I’m excited to see how it actually plays out in the next book.

I really liked the supernatural world that the author created too. I thought it was new and refreshing. It wasn’t something we usually see in books and I liked that. I’ll definitely be looking for the next book in the series. The whole lights are evil thing messed me up in the beginning. It was something to get used to but I really enjoyed it.

“One moment of true happiness was worth all the moments of pain.”

I like the titles in this series. If you go look at them they all kind of match. It’s cool. Also I just found out that the author is really young and has a few books published already. Pretty impressive.

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  • 3 May, 2014: Reviewed