Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

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I absolutely loved the Guardians of the Realms series. It’s HOT! While it’s extremely HOT, it’s also riveting, exciting and enthralling. When the wonderful Setta Jay finished the series I was a little distraught. There’s something about these men and women that you can’t help but love. It may have a wee bit to do with their HOTTNESS, but it also has a lot to do with their growly possessiveness, determination to save the world and single-minded focus. But deep down I know it has a lot to do with how HOT these stories are.

Anyways, when Setta Jay announced that she’d give into our demands and grant us more, I was delighted. We get to catch up with the oldies and meet their offspring. At first, I had this weird little thought. Hmmm…I’ve seen your parents “getting it on”. Is that like knowing your parents have had sex 3 times (I have 2 siblings)? What made it even weirder was I kept thinking – Your parents know what you are doing right now, aren’t you embarrassed? It’s also not a secret as to how intense and kinky it can get. [BLUSHING] Thank goodness it’s paranormal/fantasy and not real. The idea of my parents knowing what hubby and I do in the bedroom makes me SHUDDER.

So, Destined to Crave was as HOT as what I was hoping for. Lucy has known nearly her whole life that Rykr is her mate. She’s a couple of years older than him so she reaches her maturity ahead of him and worries that she can’t be around him until he matures. Deciding what’s best for them, she tells him that they can’t see each other until he has “lived” for awhile. This, of course, means that they both suffer being apart.

Lucy’s silly decision ended up being for the best. Not because Lucy's decision was the right one, it's just that Rykr has an ISSUE he wants to be dealt with first. Rykr has demons that he knows need to be gone before he can truly be happy.

They should have trusted fate and each other. How unusual for a Guardian, their stubbornness made them suffer unnecessarily.

I kind of wanted more. It’s a novella/short story and does still pack a wallop but I wanted to know more. Do the kids get squicked out by how intense the relationship is, between their parents? Does the manor have sound-proof walls? Did the kids accidentally catch their parents doing the dirty, regularly? How does it feel KNOWING that you have a mate that is going to satisfy all your needs?

I can honestly say that Setta Jay has the remarkable ability to make me own how fascinating I find all this kinky stuff. There aren’t too many reviews where I admit to that, so it’s saying a lot.

I enjoyed Destined to Crave and I can’t wait for more.

Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 11 August, 2017: Reviewed