This Book Is Not About Dragons by Shelley Moore Thomas

This Book Is Not About Dragons

by Shelley Moore Thomas

Meet a mouse narrator who stubbornly insists that this book contains absolutely no dragons—not even a claw nor a flame nor any large, pointy scales. Readers will know better—and enjoy being in on the joke—as a flock of dragons chase the mouse to the very end of the book within the book. Suspense builds humorously as the energetic text insists there are no dragons in this book, leading to a clever, unexpected ending. Clever artwork by Fred Koehler provides fun scenes to linger on and details to discover over multiple readings.

Reviewed by Berls on

5 of 5 stars

OMG the kids just loved this book. It's a great one for a read aloud because they can easily participate with the frequent repetition of "this books is not about dragons" and they loved pointing and trying to tell me where the dragons are (and I, of course, played dumb just like the mouse, telling the story).

At the end, the mouse changes the title to This book is about dragons. I loved that, because it worked perfectly for our lesson on titles - what they are, where they are, and how they tell us what a book is about.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 September, 2016: Reviewed