Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

4 of 5 stars


"You've flown under my radar for so long. But now…" He moved closer, his lips skating over mine. "Now, you're all I see."

The Four are back and there are even more lies, betrayal and mysteries to be uncovered.

When secrets are revealed that bring Weston’s life crashing down around him, he turns to Lena, his best friend’s sister for support. Weston learns Lena lied to him as well and starts to self-destruct. Broken and betrayed, Lena is determined to get the old Weston back and fight for them.

I can not explain how excited I was to return to Alstone and The Four. Weston was so broken over the secrets revealed that my heart broke for him. Lena, being the strong and stubborn girl she is, never gave up on Weston. Weston and Lena were explosive once they finally gave in to their attraction. It was great getting to catch up with the rest of The Four and I am now even more intrigued to read Cassius and Zayde’s stories. I highly recommend this series and that it be read in order to get the full storyline.

*Review copy requested and honestly reviewed on behalf of Canadian Girl Book Blog*

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  • Started reading
  • 25 February, 2021: Finished reading
  • 25 February, 2021: Reviewed