Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I love a dash of something extra with my historical romance. In Trusting Miss Trentham, I was treated to a heaping dose of the paranormal. Miss Letitia “Letty” Trentham received an unusual gift on her twenty-first birthday, a choice of three wishes from her Faeire Godmother. Her choice was to be able to distinguish truth from lies. This particular gift has helped the wealthy heiress weed out unworthy suitors, over two hundred in the previous six years.

Her talent is something Icarus Reid desperately needs. Major Reid was double crossed the night before the battle of Vimeiro. On a mission to find the culprit who caused the death of his scouts and translator and his nightmare of a life, he needs Letty to travel with him to question the possible suspects. While completely improper, Letty wants to help and travels with Icarus while pretending to be his wife.

At first, I didn’t see how these two could connect romantically. Icarus is laser focused on his goal, while Letty wants to use her gift for something other than putting off possible husbands. When Letty is woken in the night by Icarus’ nightmares, she brings compassion to Icarus’ life. Through their new routine of her helping him through his nightmares at night and finding answers by day, the pair open their hearts to something they thought was never possible. Through sleepy kisses, long walks, and a quest to find a traitor, Icarus and Letty find themselves in each other.

If you enjoy a search for truth, romance, and magic, Trusting Miss Trentham is the perfect novel for you.

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  • 12 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 June, 2017: Reviewed