Kitty and the Midnight Hour by Carrie Vaughn

Kitty and the Midnight Hour (Kitty Norville, #1) (Fantasy/Grand Central Pub)

by Carrie Vaughn

Kitty Norville is a midnight-shift DJ for a Denver radio station - and she also happens to be a werewolf. One night, sick of the usual lame song requests, she accidentally starts 'The Midnight Hour', a late-night advice show for the supernaturally disadvantaged. Almost immediately she's deluged by calls from desperate vampires, werewolves and witches from all across the country, wanting to share their woes and ask her advice. Kitty's new show is a raging success, but it's Kitty herself who could use some help, not least because her monthly change is a deep and dark secret to all but a very special few. And when she finds one very sexy werewolf-hunter on her tail, not to mention a few homicidal undead, she realises she may just may have bitten off more than she can chew ...

Reviewed by Hixxup on

2 of 5 stars

I generally do a reading challenge each month, it helps me decide what books to read that month, also helps me branch out into new series.

Well this months challenge and the undeniable desire to read some new to me books I chose: Kitty and the Midnight Hour, by Carrie Vaughn. This is the first book of the Kitty Norville series.

In this book we meet Kitty Norville, a very timid werewolf living in Colorado. She was at the bottom of the pack. Until she started her own radio talk show. That's when things start happening, she starts becoming independent. And that causes a while lot of issues. With her pack, local officials, vampires, and a werewolf Hunter.

During this book, you realize how timid and submissive Kitty really is, and honestly it is quite irritating, that it literally had me rolling my eyes through the book. Almost tho the point I was about to put it in the "could not finish" pile. But I stuck with it, and literally finished it within hours of picking it up.

I did however like the character build up, and the possibility of things in the future. I will continue with this series to see if Kitty grows a backbone fully. Because she would be a kick ass heroine when she finally does.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 3 February, 2016: Reviewed