Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

WRECKED is a trope that I generally fall for time again. Who doesn't love the idea of having your brother's hot best friend fall for you? Sherilee Grey gives us exactly that with Piper and Cole.

Piper has loved Cole for as long as she can remember. And recently, she's left some very not so subtle hints as she tried to get Cole to notice her. But Cole's not the man he was before. He's closed off, hardened and determined to push everyone away, even Piper the woman he's always wanted. But when he's asked to look after Piper, Cole steps up and finds himself unable to fight off the feelings he has for her.

I enjoyed the chemistry between Piper and Cole. Despite the fact that Cole has a generally bad attitude, he was always Piper's biggest supporter, even if she didn't always know it. I liked how Piper didn't treat Cole any differently because of his accident. The two of them have to figure out how navigate a relationship, especially given Cole's relationship with her brother and the survivor's guilt Cole dealt with, but they did manage to get it together (communication is a wonderful thing).

This was fun and definitely had it's hot moments.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 2 February, 2016: Reviewed