Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

This is possibly my favorite Domino issue to date. It had a little bit of everything, but most importantly it had meaning. The issue was a bit on the heavy side, though it had several laugh out loud moments (though I think I have to give credit to Outlaw for making me laugh the most this issue) which is always a plus.
This issue was beautifully written. It actually had me tearing up a little bit at points, so I hope that says something. Domino’s character really shone here, while her partners were the perfect supporting cast needed (both funny, driven, and emotional). It was pretty perfect all things considered.
I’m not sure what the long term ramifications will be for this, but I actually really really hope that there’s some permanency here. Not just for Domino and her team, but all the other characters (and a world) affected by it. It may never come up again, which I’d be sad about, though I would understand it.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 10 January, 2019: Reviewed