A Pound of Flesh by Sophie Jackson

A Pound of Flesh (Pound of Flesh, #1)

by Sophie Jackson

Committed to fulfilling her murdered father's dying wish to help those in need, Kat becomes a prison tutor and develops a strong attraction to her dangerously sexy student, but his role on the night her father died may force them apart forever.

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

My 1st From the TBR pick of 2016 and I was not disappointed! Kat and Carter were well written, complex characters dealing with a real issue (not some silly, angsty, New Adult problem). I loved their interactions because they felt genuine. The struggle to do something forbidden, the love they feel but don't know how to express, etc. It was all realistic and believable. They don't jump into a relationship right away. It builds in a very normal way even though their situation is anything but normal! Overall great read and I can't wait to get Max's book!
My full review will be on My Blog, The Book Disciple

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 5 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 5 January, 2016: Reviewed