That's Not What Happened by Kody Keplinger

That's Not What Happened

by Kody Keplinger

It's been three years since the Virgil County High School Massacre. Three years since my best friend, Sarah, was killed in a bathroom stall during the mass shooting. Everyone knows Sarah's story--that she died proclaiming her faith. But it's not true.

Reviewed by jeannamichel on

2 of 5 stars

Kody Keplinger is one of my auto-buy authors; I will buy everything she writes! So when I heard about That's Not What Happened, I was so excited for its release. Plus, the plot centers around a school shooting, making it important and timely. However, I expected it to start discussions, to give us something new. Unfortunately, that's not what happened.

The book is somewhat inspired by Columbine High School shooting in 1999, of the Cassie Bernall story. Before reading this book, I didn't know about that story-- but to have her name connected to this book seems wrong. In That's Not What Happened, a story starts circulating that Sarah reaffirmed her faith to the school shooter before she was killed. Lee wants to set the story straight, that her friend, Sarah, did not say anything to the shooter, that that cross necklace was not hers. I wanted this book to start a discussion- and I expected a discussion on gun violence or school shootings. I did not expect to come across the discussion of being a "good" Christian and what that means in this book. Keplinger villainizes the Church. The church, after all, is marketing off a dead girl's story to get more people to join the congregation. Also, when Lee tells Sarah's parents the truth, they share "the lies" with their pastor who then makes Lee an example in his sermon how "God doesn't like liars." The "discussion" that Keplinger starts with religion is riddled with negativity as there isn't any redemption- no one comes to their senses and the book feels only half finished.

If you're looking for a timely novel about a school shooting, skip this one and try out Hate List by Jennifer Brown.

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  • 11 February, 2019: Finished reading
  • 11 February, 2019: Reviewed