The King's Witch by Tracy Borman

The King's Witch (Frances Gorges Historical Trilogy, #1)

by Tracy Borman

In March of 1603, as she helps to nurse the dying Queen Elizabeth of England, Frances Gorges dreams of her parents' country estate, where she has learned to use flowers and herbs to become a much-loved healer. She is happy to stay at home when King James of Scotland succeeds to the throne. His court may be shockingly decadent, but his intolerant Puritanism sees witchcraft in many of the old customs--punishable by death.

But when her ambitious uncle forcibly brings Frances to the royal palace, she is a ready target for the twisted scheming of the Privy Seal, Lord Cecil. As a dark campaign to destroy both King and Parliament gathers pace, culminating in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, Frances is surrounded by danger, finding happiness only with the King's precocious young daughter, and with Tom Wintour, the one courtier she feels she can trust. But is he all that he seems?

Acclaimed as a brilliant historian, Tracy Borman proves with this thrilling debut novel that she is also a born storyteller.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The King's Witch is the first book in a fictionalized historical trilogy set during the reign of King James. Historian Tracy Borman's familiarity and expertise with the period make it very authentic reading, but for readers who aren't very familiar with the background history and the time period, access to supplementary references might enhance the experience. I found myself confused about context at several points and had to go look up the secondary characters. The fictionalized parts of the story are skillfully interwoven with documented history and I was impressed at how plausible the author's interpretations were.

This first volume was released 13th July 2018 by Grove Atlantic. It's 448 pages and available in hardcover, paperback, ebook and audiobook formats.

History is not normally my first genre choice. This one, however, was very well written and after a slow start, was paced and plotted well. The intrigues and power-jockeying at court were so clearly described that they were almost uncomfortable to read in several places.

Historical fiction lovers will really find a lot to like here. I will pick up the next novel in the series and I did enjoy this one, though I had to look up some of the back-history myself.

Four stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • 9 February, 2019: Reviewed