Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

One of my favorite movies turns out to be one of my least favorite books; funny how that happens.

I hate being interrupted by "author's notes" every few pages, especially when a lot of them aren't even relevant to the story! It just made the story feel really disjointed. I started skipping those pretty early on, because I just wanted the fairytale! I have to admit that Goldman coming up with this whole hearing the story from his father, then attempting to read it to his son, and then taking it upon himself to publish a version with only "the good stuff" thing was really clever. It was just executed horribly.

Watch the movie, it's 1,000,001 times better. The characters are actually likable in the movie, too. In the book they're all annoying, self-absorbed, or dumb. Except Inigo; he's awesome. Overall, this was more of a 2-star book, but since the dialogue was identical to the movie which made me smile, it gets an extra.

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  • 30 December, 2011: Finished reading
  • 30 December, 2011: Reviewed