Murder Hooks a Mermaid by Christy Fifield

Murder Hooks a Mermaid (Haunted Souvenir Shop, #2)

by Christy Fifield

Nestled in Keyhole Bay, Florida, Glory Martine’s souvenir shop, Southern Treasures, is supposed to trap tourists—not ghosts. But a possessed parrot may be just what Glory needs to solve a murder...

Inheriting her great-uncle Louis’s bayside souvenir shop should have been a breeze for Glory. Instead it’s been one headache after another—with a lot of them generated by Bluebeard, a parrot with a mouth like a sailor and a personality a lot like her late great-uncle. But Glory’s troubles pale in comparison to those of her best friend Karen, whose ex may still have the personalized key chain to her heart, but whose brother-in-law is about to get locked up.

A diver has been found with a gaff hook in his chest, and Karen turns to Glory to help get her brother-in-law off the hook for his murder. But casting the net for the real killer won’t be easy. Glory and Bluebeard are about to find out that the secrets in Keyhole Bay run deeper than anyone ever imagined…

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3.5 of 5 stars

A fun, light read. I guess it's really more of a 3.5 star read - I enjoyed it, but it wasn't a *really* great read. I like the main characters, although Glory really is unrealistically dense about Bluebeards messages - surly she isn't supposed to be a dim protagonist. There's a bit of romance, but a very lightweight one so far and nothing that really sparks. Bluebeard has a lot of potential and I'm hoping future books have him playing a more vocal role. Being a Floridian myself, I love the setting and the author does a very good job depicting small town Florida, so the book was a bit of a mini-trip home for me.

The mystery was solid. I didn't know absolutely who the bad guys were until it was revealed. The author did a credible job crafting the murder mystery and dragging us into the debacle Glory's best friend's little brother found himself in.

I feel a bit like I'm damning with faint praise, but truly I enjoyed reading the book and I will definitely be picking up the next one.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 18 January, 2013: Reviewed